On March 1, 2024, the Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax Advisory Committee (SDDTAC) submitted its annual report and budget recommendations to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and SF residents. The role of the SDDTAC has been critical to inform funding priorities and ensure that the SDDT funding is accountable and aligned with key values for decreasing sugary drink consumption and increasing healthy eating and active living.

Each year, the Committee makes two-year budget recommendations to coincide with the City’s two-year budget cycle. The Committee expects new information will emerge during the course of the year from funded organizations, ongoing community input, new data and evidence, etc. that will inform potential changes to its second-year budget recommendations.

This year’s report includes appendices such as the 2023 SDDT Data Report which evaluates the impact of the SDDT on beverage prices, consumer purchasing behavior, and public health as well as the SDDT FY 2022-2023 Evaluation Report which captures the impact of the SDDT.   

Now that the annual report and budget recommendations have been submitted, it’s time for community members and advocates to encourage the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to follow the SDDTAC budget recommendations.   

SDDT Evaluation

SFDPH is pleased to announce that the San Francisco Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax (SDDT) Evaluation Report 2022-2023, prepared by Raimi + Associates is now available on SodaTax-SF.org! The report highlights the impact of multi-year funding from the last five years and recommendations to sustain and support programs, initiatives, policies and more. Click here to download the report!

Please also check out the VideoVoice Projects on SodaTax-SF.org! The SFDPH SDDT Evaluation Team invited four organizations that received an SDDT Healthy Communities grant to participate in the project. VideoVoice explores the effects of programs and services funded by SDDT on participants. Click here to view!